Friday, December 22, 2006

Please to enjoy.

We've been busy (of course) with "background" stuff for the boutique+gallery - I know it looks like NOTHING is getting done, but some things are! :-) We really need to buckle down next week and start setting up the space. It is going to be glorious once it is all done!!

I thought today I'd give you a teaser, sneak-peek, look see, preview of some of the stuff the boutique will be stocking! Obviously we won't be carrying EVERYTHING from all these companies, but most of the really good stuff! :-D Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!! All of the company names are LINKS to their websites - check them out!

Necklaces from:
IMOOISmall Things DesignsTiny Armour ...and more in the works!

All kinds of neat merchandise from:
KikkerlandSuck UKBlue QFredKnock Knock
...and lots more!
The image at the very top is a closeup of a bag will be carrying from Blue Q!

We will be carrying a great selection of
Lomographic Cameras and Threadless T-Shirts!

We'll have a variety of locally handmade organic body products
from Lushbox Inc.
and lip gloss from Pooka Machine!

Excited yet? I sure AM!!
Wait! One more thing...
this is one of my favorites too!
Mr. P, the lamp!

This is just a sampling of course, we are going to have LOTS more stuff too!


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