In order to reduce a bit of waste in our corner of the world, TATE'S (+ Bear and Bird) now has an easy program set-up to recycle/reuse your plastic bags!
Bring in your CLEAN and REUSABLE shopping bags of all shapes and sizes! We will sort and reuse them in our day to day bagging! Any extras will be recycled the "traditional" way. :-)
Bonus! For every medium sized bag full of reusable bags you bring in to us, you'll get one 'green ticket'. Save up your 'green tickets' and redeem them for prizes as your reward! 15 Tickets = TATE'S Tote Bag / 25 Tickets = TATE'S T-shirt / 100 Tickets = $50 in Tate Bucks!
Will this initiative work? I dunno, that is up to our customers! We're going to give it our best shot, it certainly can't hurt to try...
Don't you just love the "Save a Plastic Tree" artwork (above) it was done up for us by one of my favorite miami-based artists, Danielle Estefan (http://jokneeappleseed.blogspot.com/). We are planning on printing up a reusable canvas tote with the image on it in the coming month! Sound good??
Yay! Sounds goooood. I have a buttload of plastic bags that need a home other than the vortex of plastic waste in the south pacific.
Love the idea and adore the tote bag image!
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