Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The Dragon Fruit.

Went down to the Redlands last weekend - if you're ever in South Florida you should check it out! www.redlandriot.com "A leisurely tour through rural South Miami-Dade County is a wonderful opportunity to learn a bit about the pioneer era one hundred years ago and stock up on fresh produce, orchids, exotic fruits and home-made delicacies during the winter and spring seasons."

We stopped by "Robert is Here" (which Tate hilariously/accidentally called "Peter Goes First")

They had lots of amazing items for sale. Jams and Jellies of EVERY imaginable variety. Picked up some nice Xmas gifts for folks. As we were checking out an amazing shape and texture caught my eye! A DRAGON FRUIT?! Never heard of it before... They were all mostly the size of a baseball, but there was one HUGE one! It was totally freaky and looked like it was from another planet. When I saw it was the fruit of a cactus I just had to try it. (I love cacti and succulents)

"The" Robert of Robert is Here was impressed with the size of the fruit when we were rung out. He took a photo with his camera phone! :-)

Well... it sat on our counter for over a week. Took a photo of it with one of the new Treeson figure we got in last week... seemed to match somehow. We kept intending to cut it up and try it, but we've just been busy. Last night we took the plunge! It was REALLY easy to cut up. The outside skin peeled off easily and it has tiny seeds inside that you can eat.

I liked it. It had a texture similars to cantaloupe and was BRIGHT pink. You definitely could use this fruit to dye clothing or hair. It was pinker than anything I've seen in nature before.

Cacti are amazing...

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