Saturday, December 9, 2006

Peaches! Free on the beach!

We had the pleasure of seeing Peaches live in South Beach on Wednesday night (12/6) for the opening of Art Basel. It was a FREE event sponsored by Art Basel, on an outdoor stage right on the beach. A very ballsy choice by Art Basel if you ask me! I'd estimate that 50% of the crowd didn't know what they were in for and were there just to check it out. The vibe was awesome though and the weather was beautiful!

We got there right on time but were OVERWHELMED with the number of people that were there. We had to pass over this little boardwalk bridge which was crammed with people, we thought for sure we wouldn't be able to see anything at all... but as we crossed over after crushing against way too many strangers we were handed free (and tasty) energy drinks from a sponsor and we easily edged in to get a great view! The sound was perfect and Peaches was rocking her booty (and her clothes) off with every song. She had multiple layers of underpants and kept dropping them. It was very amusing.

We didn't realize it at first, but she was leaving them all on around her legs. Check out the little photo... there were about 5 pairs at least!
The crowd was definitely loving it and bopping along. At one point Peaches fell on her face, which turned out to be a prat fall. The Roadies brought out a stretcher and carried it out while she kept on singing. :-) It really was a fun show and you can't beat the price! No one I noticed seemed offended by her filthy lyrics, maybe because it seemed like a lot of European folks.

Tate and I after the show. Glowing with the fun of it all!
If you haven't seen enough photos, I put up an album.
CLICK HERE! Peaches and Her Band: Photos by Amanda

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